The way the truth and the life...
well what a day i have had! i went to see my nan and my cousin was sitting there and said "hello" this was unexpected of me as his father had threatened my life his ife rammed the car door into me in mum's car, and there other son who is going to be a doctor asaulted by ramming garden gates into me, and they wernt the little ones. so when I go to my nans I hate it because one of the family will be there because nan is in a granny flat that was built for her to be looked after, and she isnt because the floor is filthy and her toiled isnt fit to be used. so after taking her home so they could look after her, its all gone badly, iIwoulkd love to know what i have done to deserve being mocked because of my faith and disabilities, i just go to nans ready for the violent foul mouthed family! This is where loving all people like yourself is quite difficult, being a christian is no walk in the park i will tell you   that for nothing! 

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    Hi, i am going to write a blog, hopefully every day but if i am ill i will have to skip some, i want to show you who i am and the best way to do that for me is to be open and honest. so this is me, Marie.........



    October 2010
    May 2010
    April 2010



My name is marie and i am sharing what life can be like if you softern your heart and listern, Jesus is the only way to salvation which is a free gift from god. I once was blind and now i see.....Read my true story, i now evangelise as much as i can we all have god inside us we just have to open up and let him in!