The way the truth and the life...
 i  forgot to mention, yesterday my vicar agreed to bless my marriage in  august 2012 on my 15 year anniversary, i was going to ask at 10 years but i was 6 months pregnant. i am so thrilled to say my vows again, maybe even my own, but how amazing, i am now born again and in a new life so i felt convicted to bless or as my vicar called it, thanksgiving over my marriage in my new christian life, my husband is thrilled even though he is not saved but he said " you never know wt will happen in 2 years, i could believe you just dont know!! I love him so much and i think for my four children to dress up and see how much mummy and daddy love each other is a good example to follow, plus my 9 year old was born on my wedding anniversary and she could never work out in her little mind, how did you get married on my birthday and i wasnt there ( how sweet) so now she is so excited,even more than me. I will just panic now because i hate being in the limelight, it makes me ill, when i goot baptised and had to give a testimony i had the runs for a week before, i dont know ho i will be with this, but if i ask the Lord to be with me and give me the stregnth i need, he will just as  he did at my baptism.
well how do i start, i had a pretty ok day today, i had a little potter in my garden, hat a killer is that ( you dont realise how hard just pottering is ). Actually i have been thinking today weather i am praying enough or studying enough? my medication makes me drowsy to the point i am so sleepy that i dont always remember to pray, but saying that i look at my garden and thing "how fantastic is just one flower, how intricate, every one different, just like us, our own DNA, fingerprints, how man cannot replicate sperm or a womans egg to create a child, or breast milk or an immune system, when you go out look around you, the sky a persons garden, just think about all the things God has put on or in the earth for us to use, scientists may make things but the basic elements have to be there to start with! mad a!!  i will leave you with that thought, i'm of for a lovely shower x
 hi, today was a strange day for me, i went to bed at 1-30am last night, didn't get up until 12 then 2 hour's later i had to lay down as i felt awful, and what a suprise..i fell asleep again until 4-30, this flare up has been going on for so long! but on a good note, my vicar has agreed to bless my marriage in 2 year's on my 15 year aniversary, it will be on my little girl's birthday as she was born on our aniversary! I felt i had to say my vows again in some way, i'm now a christian and it means more now about marriage than it did when i was 18 in a registary office. My children are thrilled and to be honest it has given me a goal to reach, get on the right concoction of medication to regulate me more and i should have a fantastic day, show my children ho much mummy and daddy love each other. i have found in this society there are a lot of broken hames, and i think it is nice for the children to know there is such love around them!
right of for a shower and bed.....goodnight
 ok  then, i am at my desk writing this blog,today i woke up had only been up for 3 hours, then i started to get cold! i then put 2 cardigans on and a large fluffy blanket and was out like a light, my poor husband mark is stuck with a wife who has him up the wall. I woke up to find my dad had been around and mark had picked the kids up from school and i cant hear a thing whilst asleep, the only thing that can wake me is pain! i did this today after last night i couldnt walk or move, i was talking to mum on the phone because i had taken my full quota of medication and it frightens me because i hallucinate and all sorts, so when that happens i ring mum and she gets me through it, she is a rare find my mum x

    Hi, i am going to write a blog, hopefully every day but if i am ill i will have to skip some, i want to show you who i am and the best way to do that for me is to be open and honest. so this is me, Marie.........



    October 2010
    May 2010
    April 2010



My name is marie and i am sharing what life can be like if you softern your heart and listern, Jesus is the only way to salvation which is a free gift from god. I once was blind and now i see.....Read my true story, i now evangelise as much as i can we all have god inside us we just have to open up and let him in!